Marsh Dish
A retail food chain based in Indianapolis, Indiana, that at its peak featured 86 stores throughout central Indiana and western Ohio.
- Art & Editorial Direction
- Content Research
- Copywriting & Editing
- Graphic Design & Illustration
- Photography & Photo Editing
- Recipe Development
- Set Production & Styling
Marsh called upon Grey Dog to develop a compelling print publication that would educate and excite consumers while promoting their products and services. Content needed to be health-focused and easy to understand for beginners and others within Marsh’s target market.
Grey Dog Media developed Marsh Dish, a bi-monthly print magazine to provide customers with helpful and visually inspiring food and lifestyle content, along with recipes and everyday solutions found through Marsh Supermarkets departments such as floral, pharmacy, health and more. The magazine content and imagery was also to be used across various digital and instore platforms, such as Marsh Supermarkets’ website and in-store point of sale displays for brand continuity.